Episode 328 – Really Debating Michael Petrow
(3:40) Michael Petrow from the Reel Debaters returns to the show! We open up with loungewear during the Pandemic, our podcast recording spaces, lightsabers, James Beaver’s secret episodes, and (8:04) how we organize our topics lists for each of our shows. And a congratulations to The Reel Debaters on their 100the episode. (13:04) And a special shout out to Em from Verbal Diorama who just turned 100.
(16:32) This episode we play a game of Versus. We explain the rules to this edition of the game and it’s the point scoring system (no it doesn’t really matter).
(18:00) Best of the Superman songs. It’s a fight between Three Doors Down’s Kryptonite and the Spin Doctors and their Jimmy Olsen’s Blues. They review the videos of each song, the lyrical content, and which video did Michael Shannon’s appear in.
(29:36) Street Names versus Street Numbers. We talk one-way streets, streets that have multiple names, East/West North/South, grids.
(43:12) We continue the game of Podcast Introductions where we take the description of various Podcasts and read the copy in our best silly voices. This segment we cover Beaver Does Podcasts. (47:06) Michael Does Beaver. (47:39) Todd Does Beaver. (48:12) Sean Does Beaver
You can listen to Michael’s The Reel Debaters here:
@verbaldiorama @reeldebaters @beaverdoes #versus #loungewear #100 #superman #kryptonite #names #numbers
Website: www.seanmcginity.ca
Meet The Geeks: http://mtgcomic.thecomicseries.com/
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