Episode 460
Episode 460 – Wheel O’ Topics
Sean and Todd have a wheel! Yes this original idea to view their topics on a wheel goes sideways, as things always do on the show. Who is better: Queen or the Reverend Horton Heat? And is it better buying in lots of 4 at supermarkets and who knew how political this topic is? Are Media and corporations trying to control how we eat, breathe and think?
#podcast #music #media #socialmedia
Website: www.seanmcginity.ca
Red Bubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/seangeekpodcast/shop
Tee Public: https://www.teepublic.com/seangeekpodcast
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Mentioned in this episode:
New Merch Ad
An ad that incorporates Red Bubble and Tee Public