Episode 463 – Breaking The Hard Blow from E Z O
This week’s episode of Breaking, CoreyGeek joins Seanorama to discuss one of their favorite all-time bands in EZO. The Japanese band began as a punk outfit named Fratvacker (and later Flatbacker), garnering immediate attention while releasing 2 full length releases. This popularity brought the band to America, where they reinvented themselves as E Z O. After two more American releases the band called it quits.
We discuss their beginnings, how they came onto our radar, their look and their sound. Stylistically punk, with bits of hard rock thrown in, the vocal delivery of Masaki Yamada was indeed unique and powerful, the guitar work of Shoyo Ida monstrous, the bass of Taro Takahashi nailed the bottom and the showmanship of Hirotsuga Homma put the drummer front and center.
Here It Comes from EZO
Hard Blow from Flatbacker off Accident
Million Miles Away from Fire Fire
Affect A Smile from Flatbacker off Esa
Desiree from EZO
#podcast #music #rock #japan #punk
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