Episode 532
Episode 532 - Geeking with Karen Bee: AI Movies, Superheroes, and the Fantastic Four
A new episode of Geeking with Karen Bee has arrived! We dive into the Valentine’s Day long weekend, discuss the misfortune of getting sick over the holiday, and share what we’re currently reading. We address the concept of rating things, the 5-star review system, and why not everything should be rated 5 stars. What exactly constitutes a library, and do you have one? We delve into Stephen King’s book, 11/22/63, focusing on its time travel elements. We also discuss The Hellfire Club, both as a political thriller novel and the villains from X-Men. We explore the Storygraph app and touch on Geddy Lee’s My Effin Life, Swamp Thing, and the comparison between Hunger Games and Battle Royale.
We highlight several AI movies including Ex Machina, Wild Robot, Lost in Space, Big Hero 6, and Bicentennial Man. We also talk Superman (1978), the 1960s Batman, and the various incarnations of these characters over the years, including Lex Luthor and the unconventional choice of Jesse Eisenberg. We debate our favorite Batman and discuss the upcoming Flash movie. Nostalgia kicks in as we reminisce about Wonder Woman.
We conclude the episode by talking about the Fantastic Four, especially the new trailer. Do we still need the Avengers when we have the Fantastic Four?
#podcast #ValentinesDay #StephenKing #11/22/63 #TheHellfireClub #Storygraph #GeddyLee #SwampThing #HungerGames #BattleRoyale #AIMovies #ExMachina #WildRobot #LostInSpace #BigHero6 #BicentennialMan #Superman #Batman #WonderWoman #FantasticFour #Avengers #comics #movies #geeking #KarenBee
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