Episode 241
Season 7, Episode 20 – Home Repairs Stories
The boys share stories of breakdowns in the home and the shenanigans that ensued getting everything working again. Appliance and plumbing repairs rarely go the way you intend them and always come in threes. And speaking of appliances, what is your favorite burner on the stove? Bet you have one!
The Winnipeg Jarvis fire was a horrible mess and a lot of people lost everything. Scott Devine from the The Devine Shirt Company was one of those people. You can donate here to help him recover from the fire.
Also if you want to donate to the others that lost in the fire, here are the other links.
The Devine Shirt Company
Seanorama ran into Susie Krivak last weekend at their friend’s the Lee where we watched the EID fireworks. Susie is an avid country fan that has turned her passion into a successful blog called Red, White and Country ( ). She also has a show on you can listen to.
Finally, the boys from Awaiting the Answer are looking for a drummer and new jam space. These guys are great and are really one of the nicest bands on the scene. How great? Take a listen and find out. We are planning something special with them very soon. You can check them out here: . And of course, you can find their music on all of the streaming services. Well worth a listen.
#breakdown #homerepair #appliances #jarvisfire #devineshirt #redwhiteandcountry #awaitingtheanswer #winnipeg #mbpodcast #podcast #winnipegmusic
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Website: [www.seanmcginity.ca](http://www.seanmcginity.ca) Tracy’s home: [www.voicesbytracy.ca](http://www.voicesbytracy.ca) Meet The Geeks: @seangeekpodcast on Facebook and Instagram @the_real_meet_the_geeks on Instagram @therealmeetthegeeks on Facebook @ToddGeeks Tech Talk on Facebook @seangeek on Twitter @mtgcomic on Twitter