Episode 255
Season 8, Episode 1 – Ryan Sorensen from Disraeli Dreamers Part One
Seanorama, FastFretFingers, and CoreyGeek welcomes Ryan Sorensen to the podcast and opens the show talking about the Disraeli Dreamers, the Royal Albert, and Night Moves.
They get heavy on the local music scene, the health of it and the health of music venues. They talk about the changes in the laws and how that has changed the makeup of how venues make ends meet. What is the future of the scene and the proliferation of original bands playing tribute shows. What is a Tribute show and what does this mean to the scene?
Breaking news: the future of the Disraeli Dreamers and what is next. What are the economics? They break down attendance of these venues and the state of the music industry. What about bands playing covers in their sets? Do Tribute shows have any original material? They discuss pay scales between cover bands, tribute shows and all original shows. Should a cover band replicate what they are covering to a T or take it another direction? And who was that Ozzy Osborne cover band Sean and Todd saw?
Disraeli Dreamers on Spotify
Disraeli Dreamers on Facebook
If you’re looking for classic Winnipeg bands and their music, Sam from Witchpolice has an archive here:
#ryansorensen #disraelidreamers #royalalbert #nightmoves #witchpoliceradio #equalpay #musicvenues #winnipeg #manitoba #bootlegger #thedevilofohio #tributeshows #covers #handsomedaughter #thegoodwillsocialclub #pyramid7 #villageidiots #cowboys #dizzymystics #moontan #deepdarkcave #manitobamusic
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Website: [www.seanmcginity.ca](http://www.seanmcginity.ca) Tracy’s home: [www.voicesbytracy.ca](http://www.voicesbytracy.ca) Meet The Geeks: @seangeekpodcast on Facebook and Instagram @the_real_meet_the_geeks on Instagram @therealmeetthegeeks on Facebook @ToddGeeks Tech Talk on Facebook @seangeek on Twitter @mtgcomic on Twitter