Episode 454
Episode 454 – Stevie Ulrich Get Becker a New Cell Phone
We talk about cell phones, comparing Samsung to Google, and the phone companies rip-off tactics they use to get you to overpay for your cell phone. (0:31) We share a story about Jason Becker, his VH guitar for sale and his amazing album. (11:23) Was Lars Ulrich right once upon a time, and just how far does corporate greed run with the new layout of record labels and their ungodly deal with the streaming companies? (16:56) How did a young Steve Vai win against the music industry and the record labels? (20:24)
Special thanks to Guitar.com for the article on Steve Vai.
You can read the whole thing here: https://guitar.com/news/music- news/steve-vai-on-bypassing-record-labels/#:~:text=The%20idea%20of%20writing%20music,than%20him%20for%20his%20music.
#podcast #cellphones #music #streaming #larsulrich #jasonbecker #stevevai
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